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1616 Geneva Bible

1616 Geneva Bible

Regular price Sale price £1,550.00 GBP
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The Bible: That is, The Holy Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testament. London: Robert Barker, 1616. [Together with] The Booke of Common Prayer, with the Psalter or Psalmes of David. London: Robert Barker, 1616. [Together with] The Whole Booke of Psalmes. London: Robert Barker, 1624, folio, a.e.g.




This edition was based on the 1592 folio Geneva Bible, but with text columns four lines longer, which is in turn typographically based on the 1584 Bishop's Bible, using similar decoration for the title pages and reprinting the same beautiful full page finely engraved frontispiece. However, this edition includes the full 34 pages of beautifully engraved genealogies tracing the lineage from Adam & Eve through to the Incarnation of Christ. This is a stunningly beautiful copy, finely bound in 18th century full blue morocco richly decorated in gilt. What is especially remarkable is that the text of the Book of Common Prayer, Old and New Testaments, and Book of Psalms, all collate as complete, including all title pages - something particularly rare in early 17th century English Bibles.

We can trace just one similarly constructed Bible at auction with the same editions bound together of the Book of Common Prayer, Bible, and Psalms. It realised $4,500 USD at Swann Auction Galleries 18th October 2018 lot 14 and was a similarly handsome example.




Ownership inscription of John Thomlinson twice to Genealogies title page, circa 1700.

Ownership inscription of David Logan dated 1748, later covered with paper to obscure it by a subsequent owner. Another inscription of the same to 3O8, similarly covered, but dated 1768 in Dublin, Ireland.

Typewritten letter from Myers & Co Ltd (Booksellers) in London, circa 1948, confirming the authenticity of this Geneva Bible, pasted to front blank recto.

Presentation inscription to front blank verso dated 1948, reading "Presented to ? 2085 Stable Road, ?, Ohio, By John ?, Lancaster Rd, 1948."



Size: 221 x 327 mm (approx.)


[(3), A1-4, B1-E6, F1-4]; [A1-B6, C1-7]; [a1-4, A1-Z6, Aa1-Zz6, Aaa1-Lll6, Mmm8, Nnn1-Ooo8, Ppp1-Rrr6, Sss1-4, Ttt1-6, Uuu1-Zzz6, Aaaa1-Zzzz6, Aaaaa1-Eeeee6, Fffff1-4]; [A1-I6, K1-8, (3)]

18th century very fine binding, bound in full blue morocco finely decorated in gilt to the spine and both boards, together with attractive gilt turn-ins. Extremely attractive on the shelf. Binding rubbed with the leather a little dry, many scuffs to boards. Shelf and edge wear. Joints rubbed, exposed to front, but with both boards attached. Rear board securely attached, front fragile. All edges gilt, well presented, very attractive. Collated as complete through the Book of Common Prayer, Genealogies, Old and New Testaments, and Book of Psalms, but lacks six leaves in the Apocrypha (end of Tobit, 3S5-3T5). The collation is provided above with breaks to help differentiate thus: Book of Common Prayer, Genealogies, Bible, Book of Psalms, as the collation resets according to these divisions. Exceptionally clean throughout the text blocks. BCP title heavily toned with year underlined in the hand of the 1948 gift inscription. The extant text is fully legible without loss of sense. One of the best extant text blocks we have ever encountered in a 17th century English Bible. A beautiful Bible.


[Herbert 348].

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