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Antique Bible 1580 First Complete Latin Bible Printed in England

Antique Bible 1580 First Complete Latin Bible Printed in England

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Testamenti Veteris Biblia Sacra Sive Libri Canonici, Priscae Iudaeorum Ecclesiae A Deo Traditi, Latini Recens Ex Hebraeo Facts, Brevibusque Scholiis Illustrats Ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Iunio: Acceserunt Libri Qui Vulgo Dicuntur Apocryphi, Latine Redditi & Notis Quibusdam Aucti A Francisco Junio, Multo Omnes Quam Ante Emendatius Editi, Numeris Locisq, Citatus Omnibus Capitum Distinctioni Quam Haec Editio Sequitar Exactius Respondentibus: Quibus Etiam Adjunximus Novi Testamenti Libros Ex Sermone Syriaco Abeodem Tremellio In Latinum Conversos. Londini, Excudebat Henricus Middletonus, Impensis W.N. MDLXXX.

Bibliorum Pars Secunda, Id Est Libri Historici Latini Recens Ex Hebraeo Facti, Brevibusque Scholiis Illustrati Ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Iunio. Librorum Index Sequente Pagina Coutinetur. Londini, Typis Henrici Middletoni. MDLXXIX.

Bibliorum Pars Tertia, Id Est, Quinque Libri Poetici, Latini Recens Ex Hebraeo Facti, Brevibusque Scholiis Ad Vereorum Interpretationem Rerumque Methodum Pertinentibus Illustati Ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Junio. Londini, Typis Henrici Middletoni. MDLXXIX.

Bibliorum Pars Quarta, Id Est, Prophetici Libri Omnes, Numero XVI. Latini Recens Ex Hebraeo Facti, Brevibusque Scholiis Ad Verborum Interpretionemrerumque Methodum Pertinentibus Illustrati Ab Immanuele Tremellio & Francisco Iunio. Londini, Typis Henrici Middletoni. MDLXXIX.

Libri Apocryphi, Sive Appendix Testamenti Veteris Ad Canonem Priscae Ecclesiae Adjecta, Latinaq; Recens E Graeco Sermone Facta, & Notis Brevibus Illustrata Per Franciscum Iunium. Londini, Typis Henrici Middletoni. MDLXXIX.


The Holy Bible of the Old Testament, or the Canonical Books Delivered by God to the Ancient Church of the Jews, Newly Made into Latin from the Hebrew and Illustrated with Brief Annotations by Immanuel Tremellius and Franciscus Junius: To Which Are Added the Books Commonly Called Apocrypha, Translated into Latin and Supplemented with Certain Notes by Franciscus Junius, All Edited Much More Correctly Than Before, with All Citations of Numbers and Locations Corresponding More Accurately to the Chapter Divisions Followed by This Edition: To Which We Have Also Added the Books of the New Testament Translated from Syriac into Latin by the Same Tremellius. London, Printed by Henry Middleton, at the Expense of W.N., 1580.

The Second Part of the Bible, That Is, the Historical Books, Newly Made into Latin from the Hebrew and Illustrated with Brief Annotations by Immanuel Tremellius and Franciscus Junius. The Index of the Books Is Contained on the Following Page. London, Printed by Henry Middleton, 1579.

The Third Part of the Bible, That Is, the Five Poetic Books, Newly Made into Latin from the Hebrew and Illustrated with Brief Annotations Pertaining to the Interpretation of Words and the Method of Subjects by Immanuel Tremellius and Franciscus Junius. London, Printed by Henry Middleton, 1579.

The Fourth Part of the Bible, That Is, All the Prophetic Books, Sixteen in Number, Newly Made into Latin from the Hebrew and Illustrated with Brief Annotations Pertaining to the Interpretation of Words and the Method of Subjects by Immanuel Tremellius and Franciscus Junius. London, Printed by Henry Middleton, 1579.

The Apocryphal Books, or the Appendix to the Old Testament Added to the Canon of the Ancient Church, and Newly Made into Latin from the Greek Language and Illustrated with Brief Notes by Franciscus Junius. London, Printed by Henry Middleton, 1579.




This was the first complete Latin Bible to be printed in England, though this copy lacks the New Testament (as often). It is a very rare and significant edition in any state of completion and is priced in accordance with the lacking NT.




Armorial Bookplate of Hope Bar't of Craighall with the motto "atspes infracta" (but hope unbroken).

Ink inscription reading "Una est in dubia mihi re Medicina, Jehova, Cor patrium, os ucrax, omnipotensq manus." (There is one remedy for my doubtful condition: the medicine, Jehovah—my heart [is] a prayer, my mouth [is] uplifted, and my hands [are to] the Almighty).

Ink inscription reading "ada habust 874 annos, cum 98 us ab 650 lemec natus est pator noach. Lemec urxit 777 cumg haberet 689 annos, natus est ? ab 450 schem" (Ada lived 874 years, being 98 years from 650; Lamech, father of Noah, lived 777 years, and at 689, [?] was born; Shem is referenced at 450 years).



Size: 175 x 225 mm (approx.)



[(4), t.p., 9pp., 2pp., (1), 219pp., t.p., pp.3-299, t.p., pp.3-251, t.p., pp.3-390, (1), t.p., pp.3-192, (4)]


Full vellum binding, lightly rubbed, scuffed, and with some marks. Ink "62" to spine. Both boards attached with very minor wear to joints and cracked hinges. Pastedowns detached showing binder's waste. Bookplate attached to inner front board, attached after the pastedown became detached. Shelf and edge wear. Text block very clean with light edge toning and occasional foxing and marks. Very minor ink marks to front blanks. Ink inscriptions to the contents page to the white spaces. Ink inscription to the blank between preliminaries and the main text. Very small edge tear to pp.27/28 in the first part. Ink inscription to the head of the second title page. Edge tear to pp.311/312 in the fourth part. Edge tear to pp.155/156 of the Apocrypha. Ink inscriptions to rear blanks. Mark covering a word partially on pp.140 in the third part. Tears to the gutter from pp.145-152 in the third part with some loss to the latter leaves, though not affecting the main text. Small edge tear to pp.143/144 in the third part. Lacking the New Testament (NT t.p., 191pp.).


[D&M, 6166].

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