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Antique King James Bible 1670; Cambridge Hayes Bible

Antique King James Bible 1670; Cambridge Hayes Bible

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The Holy Bible Containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly translated out of the Original Tongues And with the former Translations diligently Compared and revised by his Majesties speciall command. Cambridge: John Hayes, 1670. [Together with] The Whole Book of Psalms, Collected into Englishmetre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, et al. Cambridge: John Hayes, 1670, 4to. 



A fantastic unrestored Hayes Cambridge King James Bible printed in 1670 with extensive early provenance traceable until the 19th century, here bound with a fragmentary Book of Common Prayer and Psalter, the latter certainly dated 1670, the former most likely also 1670. Very rare in a contemporary binding free of restoration as here. 





Likely contemporary inscription of ‘J.B.B.’ to head of main title page. Seemingly in this same hand is the manuscript title ‘Judith’ twice to the head of the Apocryphal additions to Esther and the multitude of inscriptions to the beginning of the Psalter. Inscription of a ‘Beolia (?) Chamberlayne’ to T1 of the BCP. Erroneous mathematical calculation to NT title page dated 1738. Inscription of Catharine Young to front pastedown dated 1740, presumably as a child, repeated to blank verso of NT title page dated 1752 in a much neater hand. Inscription of John Young to rear pastedown dated 1771. Inscription of Betty Goddard to front pastedown dated 1778. Unattributed date to front pastedown reading 1812, probably in the hand of Francis Day who wrote an inscription to H4 in the NT dated November 8th 1814. 




Size: 180 x 236 mm (approx.)



Contemporary (original) full calf binding, rubbed with minor losses to the leather. Front board detached, rear attached but with lower joints split, fragile. No attached bookplates, but with a large number of inscriptions of varying date throughout, some of which appear to be contemporary to printing, the latest being 1814. Generally clean throughout the text, but with occasional dampstaining, some minor losses at leaf edges, and occasional closed tears. New Testament title page torn but present, first few leaves of Matthew also torn with losses. The book is uncollated and so no statement to completeness is made, though the Book of Common Prayer begins at C2, with C1 supplied detached at the rear of the book, and the Psalter lacking all after G1, but with G2-4 also supplied detached which goes up to Psalm 146. The Bible text is uncollated but appears complete, but is possibly lacking a few leaves. Both title pages are present.

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