Antique King James Bible 1716 John Baskett
Antique King James Bible 1716 John Baskett
The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Newly Translated out of the Original Greek, And with the former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. London: John Baskett, 1716, 4to.
These King James Bibles published by John Baskett were usually read and used every day for centuries due to the popularity of these editions during the early to mid 1700s, and so finding them in acceptable condition is very difficult, especially this John Baskett edition which, though very expensive, was a very popular edition for its large very readable type, as well as not being overly cumbersome like the huge folio editions which precede (and follow) it. The popularity of this edition means that copies are usually worn beyond salvaging, but our copy here is still in completely original unrestored condition, and the vast majority of the text block is in lovely condition and is readable, despite some slight losses to the edges of the beginning few pages of Genesis (as often); the rest of the text block is in lovely readable condition. Interestingly, this copy also has provenance information written to the reverse of the New Testament title page dating back as early as 1670. This edition includes the Apocrypha.
Size: 200 x 260 mm (approx.)
Original full calf binding with subtle blindstamped cross-hatch pattern to both boards, a little rubbed; the binding is without external identification marks, as originally bound. The boards are warped and misshapen but may return to normal under pressure for some time. Lacks first blank, and the main title page has significant loss, but is partially present in the gutter. The first few leaves (incl. dedication and first part of Genesis) are chipped at the fore edge with losses to the text, though is mostly preserved. After approx Genesis 9, the text is fully legible. There are some early inscriptions to the reverse of the NT title page, slightly bleeding through to the verso. Final blank fragmented but present. The text is uncollated but appears to be complete. This edition includes the Index and various Tables at the rear of the book.