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Biblia Sacra 1602

Biblia Sacra 1602

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Testamenti Veteris Biblia Sacra, Sive Libri Canonici Priscae Judaeorum Ecclesiae A Deo Traditi, Latini recens ex Hebraeo facti, brevibusq; Scholiis illustrati ab Immanuele Tremellio, et Francisco Junio. [Theodoro Beza]. Tertia cura Francisci Junii. Cum Indice ad Notas V.T. triplice; Hebr. Graeco et Latino. Hanoviae: Typis Wechelianis, apud Claudium Marnium, et haeredes Joannis Aubrii, 1602.




A beautiful copy in full vellum of the important 1602 edition of the Tremellius-Junius-Beza Bible, one of the significant Protestant Latin translations of the late Reformation period, and a key text in the early spread of Calvinism. This translation influenced the translators of the King James Bible, who consulted Beza's New Testament and the Tremellius-Junius scholarly translations of the Hebrew Old Testament. It includes the third revision of Junius' work, representing a pinnacle of Reformed biblical scholarship. Printed by the Wechel Press, the leading academic printing house of the era, this is a highly scholarly Bible that reflects the theological priorities and intellectual rigour of the Reformers, especially within academic circles




Size: 173 x 229 mm (approx.)


[(3), *4, A1-3U8, 3X4, AA1-ZZ8, AAa1-GGg8, (3)]

19th century full vellum with a very fine tooled red morocco label to the head of the spine, gilt to foot of spine. Some minor discolouration to vellum as typical, but generally clean and very attractive indeed. Lower front joint cracked, but with both boards securely attached, the binding secure, and without shelf lean. Without any attached bookplates, but with a few ownership inscriptions in places throughout. Dampstaining at head of text block, generally very light, visible to first ~200pp and towards the final few leaves of the OT and then through the NT, progressively less visible though increasing in extent. The full text is legible without loss of sense. The first gathering is signed "):(" but in the collation above is given as "*" for ease of legibility.

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