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Epistles of Clement of Rome 1526 Post-Incunable

Epistles of Clement of Rome 1526 Post-Incunable

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Divi Clementis Recognitionum Libri X. Ad Jacobum Fratrem Domini, Rufino Tora No Aquileiense Interprete. Cui Accessit Non Poenitenda Epistolarum Pars Uetustissimoru Episcoporum Hactenus Non Uisa, Eoru Qui Ab Hinc An M.CC. Romanae Ecclesiae Praesuerunt. Io. Bebelius Pio Lectori. Accipe Diui Clementis Libros, & Eruditione, & Pietate Insignes, Optime Lector, Eius Inquam Clementis, Cuius Diuus Paulus Ad Philippenses Memmit, Cuiusq; Ea Fertur Magno Graecorum & Latinorum Consesu Epistola, Quae Ad Hebraeos Nunc Uulgo Paulo Inscripta Est. Quibus Uetustissimoru Episcoporu Adiiecimus Epistolas Perquam Eru Ditas, Annotatiunculis & Argumentis A Ianne Sichardo Illustratas, Ex Quibus Pleraq; Ecclesiarum Hodie Emendari Possint. Ex Nostra Officina, An. M.D.XXVI. Mense Augusto. Catalogum Omnium Quae In Hoc Libro Continentur, Inuensies Proxima Pagella. In Inclyta Germaniae Basilea. Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Caesareo.


The Ten Books of the Recognitions of the Divine Clement, to James, the Brother of the Lord, Translated by Rufinus of Aquileia. To Which Is Added a Not Insignificant Collection of Letters from the Most Ancient Bishops, Previously Unseen, of Those Who Presided Over the Roman Church Up to 1200 Years Ago. [...]. Basel: Joan Bebelium, 1526.



A finely printed early edition of Clement of Rome, including three leaves with woodcut borders after Hans Holbein and numerous woodcut initials also after Holbein.




Size: 195 x 292 mm (approx.)


[8pp., 174pp., (2), 82pp., 14pp.].

Circa early 20th century quarter green calf over navy cloth backed boards with a gilt title to the spine. Binding lightly rubbed and scuffed with some marks. Both boards attached with rubbing along joints and hinges starting. Shelf and edge wear. Boards slightly warped. Page edges toned with some dampstaining. Text block lightly toned with occasional foxing and marks. Very minor wormholing to the first five leaves of the text block, affecting a small portion of the preliminary text, remaining legible. Occasional ink marginalia. Minor damp staining to upper outer corners throughout, more prominent at the front and rear of the text block, heavy to a few leaves in the Index, else generally clean and bright throughout. Collates as complete sans the original blanks.

[OCLC 55564072; Adams C2124].

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