Ovid's Heroides 1628 Sebastian de Matienzo Commentary
Ovid's Heroides 1628 Sebastian de Matienzo Commentary
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Heroyda Ovidiana. Dido A Eneas. Con Parafrasis Espanola, Y Morales Reparos Ilustrada. Por Sebastian De Alvarado Y Alvear, Professor De Rhetorica Y Letras Humanas, Natural De Burgos. Al Ilustrísimo, Y Ecelentissimo Senor Don Carlos Coloma De Los Confejos De Estado Y Guerra De La Magestad Catholica; General De Lasarmas Reales En Los Estados De Flandes; Castellano De Cambray; Gouernador Y Capitan General De Cambrasi; Comendador De La Orden De Santiago. &c. En Bovrdeos, En Casa De Gyillermo Millanges, Impressor Del Rey De Francia. MDCXXVIII. A Costa De Bortolome Paris, Librere De Pamplona.
It is now considered that the author of this commentary on the Dido section of Ovid's Heroides was Sebastian de Matienzo (1588-1644), a Jesuit scholar in Pamplona. The tract contains numerous quotations from contemporary Spanish authors such as Luis de Gongora and Lope de Vega.
Blue triangular bookplate reading "Libreria Universal Morulas. Calle S. Francisco 36, Cadiz."
Size: 157 x 207 mm (approx.)
[(1), t.p., pp.3-20, pp.1-333, 1pp., (1)].
Quarter brown calf over marbled paper backed boards with a red tooled label in a compartment to the spine between gilt bands. Binding rubbed and scuffed. Both boards attached with very minor wear to joints and cracked hinges. Green marks to rear board. Shelf and edge wear. Red spotted page edges dulled, more so to the top edge. Bookseller bookplate attached to the front pastedown. Pencil inscription to the front pastedown. Ink inscription reading "62" to the front blank. Text block very clean with light toning and occasional foxing. Lacking index (7pp.), which is present in a WorldCat reference, but is lacking in the National Library of Scotland and British Library copies. Light damp staining to the last few leaves of the text block. A very small hole to the last leaf of the text block.
[OCLC 25725092; MMSID 9932543313804341; BL 1001.h.6.].