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Pindar's Odes 1598 - with Sappho, Anacreon, etc .

Pindar's Odes 1598 - with Sappho, Anacreon, etc .

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Pindari Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia, Graece & Latine. Latinum Interpretationem M. Aemilius P. Fr. Porti C. F. Linguae Graecae Professor Nouissime Recognouit, Accurate Repurgauit, & Passim Illustrauit. Apud Hieronymum Commelinum, Elect. Palat. Typographum. Anno MDXCIIX.
Carminum Poetarum Nouem, Lyricae Poesews Principum, Fragmenta. Alcaei, Anacreontis, Sapphus, Bacchylidis, Stesichori, Simonidis, Ibyci, Alcmanis, Pindari. Nonnulla Etiam Aliorum. Cum Latina Interpretatione, Partim Soluta Oratione, Partim Carmine. Apud Hieronymum Commelinum, Elect. Palat. Typographum. Anno MDXCIIX.


Pindar's Olympian, Pythian, Nemean, and Isthmian Odes, in Greek and Latin. The Latin Translation Has Been Newly Revised, Carefully Corrected, and Extensively Annotated by M. Aemilius P. Fr. Portus, Son of C. F., Professor of the Greek Language. Published by Hieronymus Commelinus, Elector Palatine's Printer. Year 1598.

[together with]

Fragments of the Songs of the Nine Poets, the Leading Figures of Lyric Poetry: Alcaeus, Anacreon, Sappho, Bacchylides, Stesichorus, Simonides, Ibycus, Alcman, and Pindar, as well as some others. With a Latin translation, partly in prose and partly in verse. Published by Hieronymus Commelinus, Elector Palatine's Printer. Year 1598.



Size: 115 x 180 mm (approx.)



[t.p., pp.3-16, 176pp., t.p., pp.3-191]

Contemporary full brown calf, binding rubbed and scuffed with fragments lacking, some wormholing. Shelf and edge wear. Page edges toned. Text block with light toning, damp-staining, marginalia, wormholing, and occasional foxing. Lacking blanks. Binder's waste visible to pastedowns. Inscriptions to the first title page. A fair copy of these two works bound together.


[OCLC 64424275].

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