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St Thomas Aquinas on Aristotle 1548 Post Incunable

St Thomas Aquinas on Aristotle 1548 Post Incunable

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D. Thomae Aquinatis Ordinis Praedicatorum, in Libros Perihermenias, et Posteriorum Analyticorum Aristotelis, Cum duplici textu, Antiquo uidelicet, et Argiropoli, nuper emedatissima commentaria, peregregio Caietani Cardinalis illustrissimi eiusdem ordinis in libri Perihermenias residuum supplemento, quam pulcherrime decorata [...]. Venetiis apud Iuntas, 1548, folio.


St. Thomas Aquinas of the Order of Preachers, on the Books Perihermeneias and Posterior Analytics of Aristotle, with a double text, namely, the ancient one and that of Argyropoulos, newly and most accurately emended commentaries, most beautifully adorned with the supplement of the most illustrious Cardinal [Thomas] Cajetan of the same order for the remainder of the Perihermeneias [...]. Venice, at the press of the Giunta, 1548, folio.



This 1548 Venetian Giunta edition of St. Thomas Aquinas’ commentaries on Aristotle’s Perihermeneias (De Interpretatione) and Posterior Analytics, both of which are foundational texts in Aristotelian logic and epistemology, is notable in its inclusion of two textual traditions - the medieval Latin translation and the Greek recension of John Argyropoulos. This edition typifies medieval Scholasticism and Renaissance humanism, here brought together in lovely fashion. Aquinas' exegesis, which sought to harmonise Aristotelian thought with Catholic doctrine, is further enriched by Cardinal Cajetan’s authoritative supplement on Perihermeneias, reflecting the heightened Thomistic engagement with logic and semantics in the early modern period. This edition is a great example of Aristotelian philosophy within the Dominican intellectual tradition and its pivotal role in theological/philosophical dialogue in the post-incunable period, especially as this was printed circa the beginning of the Council of Trent.

VERY RARE. Not to be confused with the more common Scotus edition of the same year. EDIT16 records just 22 holding institutions, only 6 of which are recorded in WorldCat across three entries. Extremely rare in commerce.




Early monastic inscription of 'frater Antonio Luscano' dated 1562, and another inscription to recto of first blank, illegible, presumably also monastic.



Size: 228 x 332 mm (approx.)


[(1), π¹, ¹⁰, A¹⁰, B–O⁸, AA–LL⁸, MM⁶]

Contemporary full calf, very finely stamped in blind, panelled design with repeating motifs including griffins, florals, roundels, etc. Rebacked circa the late 19th or early 20th century with brown morocco, attractive on the shelf, upper corner of front board also replaced commensurately with the rebacking. Rear board vertically sewn, presumably approximately contemporaneously. Newer pastedowns with newer blanks to the front and rear as well as the originals. COLLATED AS COMPLETE. O8 and MM6 are blanks, both of which are present. One original blank is also present at the beginning, remounted. Illegible ownership inscription to ffep recto, possibly Irish (?), another inscription to foot of main title dated 1562. Exceptionally bright and clean throughout the full text block, internally excellent.


[EDIT16 CNCE 26912; OCLC 16628543, 16792237, 645286173].

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