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Syriac New Testament 1663-7 First Edition

Syriac New Testament 1663-7 First Edition

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Novum Testamentum Syriacum [...]. By Aegidius Gutbier. Hamburg: Typis & Impensis Autoris, 1663-4. [Together with] Lexicon Syriacum, continens omnes N.T. Syriaci dictiones et particulas [...]. By Aegidius Gutbier. Hamburg: 1667. [Together with] Notae Criticiae in Novum Testamentum Syriacum [...]. By Aegidius Gutbier. Hamburg: Typis & Impensis Autoris, 1667, 8vo.





A fantastic volume containing three works bound together, here forming the most important reference work for Syriac New Testament studies in the period between 1663 and Samuel Lee's 1823 edition. This edition was the standard Syriac text until that printing, and a whole page is dedicated to this edition in Darlow & Moule's bibliography (no. 8965). 

This edition includes the five missing books, the 'pericope de adultera' and the Johannine Comma (Comma Johanneum) inserted. This was edited by Aedigius Gutbier, who reportedly consulted two MSS, one of which was supposed to belong to Emperor Constantine himself. A Latin translation is provided for Matthew's Gospel but not continued for the remainder of the book. "The engraved title belongs properly to those only which include the supplementary pieces, viz. the lexicon and critical commentary" (D&M). 

An excellent example of this scarce and highly important scholarly New Testament which provides a great deal of insight into the Aramaic NT.




Size: 95 x 172 mm (approx.)



[(3), t.p., 6pp., 146pp., 50pp., t.p., 6pp., 55pp., 1pp., pp.606-1, 30pp., t.p., t.p., (3)]

Near contemporary full calf, the spine tooled in gilt, dulled, rubbed, with minor loss to head of backstrip. Some minor wormholing in places, text mildly toned, but generally excellent throughout, the text without loss of sense through all sections. Occasionally cracked in the gutter. The collation is provided in the typical front to back ordering of books, but the Syriac NT itself begins at the conventional rear of the book proceeding backwards as according to that written convention. Collates as complete according to D&M. 


[Darlow & Moule 8965 (Vol 2 part 2)].

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