The first edition of one of the earliest vernacular-language collections of remedies.
The Book of Physicke Wherein Throughe commaundement of the most Illustrious and renoumned Duke & Lord, Lorde Lodewijcke, Duke of Wirtenberghe, and of Teck, Earle of Mompelgart, etc. Most of them selected, and approued remedys, for all corporall diseases, and sicknesses, which out of manye highe, and common Persons written Physick-boockes, are compacted, and united together. Through his renoumned Graces most famous Physition Mr Doctour Oswaldus Gabelhouer. [Oswald Gabelkover]. Faithfullye translated out of High-duche by the right worshipfull Mr Doctour Charles Battus, ordinarye Physitione of the Citye of Dorte. And now nuelye translated out of Low-duche into Englishe by A.M. Imprinted at Dorte by Isaack Caen, 1599.
FIRST AND ONLY EDITION IN ENGLISH of Gabelkover's Artzneybuch, first published at Tübingen in 1595. This rare book is the more interesting for the inclusion at the start of a 34pp. index to remedies and treatments, indicating that it was not a scholastic work so much as a do-it-yourself medical guide. The longer first part is the more general, the second deals with the diseases of women and young children, the third with 'agues,' and the fourth with the treatment of wounds.
Gabelkover's organised approach to folk remedies includes a long table of contents in alphabetical order listing an exhaustive list of medical and pharmaceutical treatments. For joint pain he suggests the application of a live frog, "sew him on a cloth with his four feete, & he will presently die, if he waxe rubicunde, it is a signe that in that part there are corruptede bones." Remedies for pimples take up five pages; also treated: "stincke of the sweate," and "how to make ones hayre fayre, yellouwe coulrede, and Longe." Separate sections are dedicated to men, women, and diseases of young children, in addition to fevers, agues, gout, fistulas, bruises, and the other familiar human bodily complaints. Gabelkover's is one of the earliest vernacular-language collections of remedies. There is also some sporadic contemporary c.16th century-early 17th century marginalia throughout.
Sales Records:
Bonhams Early English Books 20th July 2018 lot 71 realised $9,225 (USD) against an estimate of $12,000-$15,000.
Christie's William Foyle Library Sale 13th July 2000 lot 359 realised £7,050 (GBP) which is approx £12,750 adjusted for inflation ($16,000 USD).
Size: 192 x 275 mm (approx.)
[t.p., 34pp (index), pp.[1]-393]
Circa late 19th century full calf binding, showing nicely on the shelf with titles lettered in gilt with the gilt date of 1599 to the foot. Spine sunned. Binding rubbed and scuffed with minor losses at extremities. Joints rubbed with front joints cracked. Both boards attached, the rear secure and the front fragile, but the binding is generally secure. No shelf lean. Page edges discoloured as typical. The main title page and three other leaves (F1, Y2, Y5) are provided in facsimile else the book collates as textually complete. The text block is affected by varying levels of former dampstaining but without loss to legibility of any text. The last four leaves of the text block are more heavily affected but remains legible. Small hole to pp.391 catching a few letters of text, pp.393 (2K5) repaired also losing a few letters of text, the leaf backed on to a replaced endpaper.
[STC 11513].