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The History of the Popes by B. Platina 1600

The History of the Popes by B. Platina 1600

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Historia B. Platinae De Vitis Pontificum Romanorum. Ad N. Iesu Christo Usque Ad Paulum II Venetum Papam, Longe Quam Antea Emendatior Doctissimarumq Annotationum Onuphrii Panuinii Accossione Nunc Illustrior Reddita. Cui Etiam Nunc Accessit Supplementum Pontisicum Primum Per Eudem Onuphrium Usq, Ad Pium V. & Deinde Per Antonium Cicarellam Porro Ad Clementem VIII. Qui Hodie Cath. Rom. Ecclesiae President. Queomnia Breus & Commoda Chronologia Pontificum Verae Essigiesomnia Summo Studio Emendata & Correcta. Coloniae Ubiorum, Mater. Cholini, Sumptibus Gosuini Cholini. Anno MDC. Cum Gratia & Priuilegio Ces Maiest.


The History of the Lives of the Roman Pontiffs by B. Platina, from Our Lord Jesus Christ up to Pope Paul II of Venice, Now Made Much More Correct Than Before and Further Enriched by the Addition of the Most Learned Annotations of Onuphrius Panvinius. To Which Is Now Also Added a Supplement of the Pontiffs, First by the Same Onuphrius Up to Pius V, and Then Further Continued by Antonius Ciccarelli Up to Clement VIII, Who Today Presides Over the Catholic Roman Church. All of These Have Been Carefully Edited and Corrected, with a Brief and Convenient Chronology of the Pontiffs and Their True Portraits. Cologne, at the Press of Mater Cholinus, at the Expense of Goswinus Cholinus. Year 1600. With the Favor and Privilege of His Imperial Majesty.



Ink inscriptions reading "B:T:R:" and "Sum Aemily Rosendaly," the latter possibly being early modern female ownership (?).

Ex-Library stamp from the Library of St. Mary's Priory Cork.




Size: 193 x 253 mm (approx.)



[(2), t.p., 6pp., 472pp., 83pp., (3)].


Full vellum binding with an ink title and date to the spine. Binding rubbed and scuffed with some marks and discolouration. Both boards attached with minor wear to joints and front hinge cracked. Shelf and edge wear. Page edges toned and dulled. Front pastedown partially detached. Text block very clean with light toning and occasional toning. Ink inscriptions reading "B:T:R:" and "Sum Aemily Rosendaly" to title page. Stamp from the Library of St. Mary's Priory Cork to rear pastedown. Spine slightly warped.


[OCLC 69207001].

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