The Political and Military Memoirs of Louis XIV & Louis XV 1777
The Political and Military Memoirs of Louis XIV & Louis XV 1777
Memoires Politiques Et Militaires, Pour Servir A L'Histoire De Louis XIV & De Louis XV, Composes Sur Les Pieces Originales Recueillies Par Adrien-Maurice, Duc De Noailles, Marechal De France & Ministre D'Etat. Par M. L'Abbe Millot, Des Academies De Lyon & De Nanci. A Paris, Chez Moutard, Libraire-Imprimeur De La Reine, Quai Des Augustins. MDCCLXXVII.
Political and Military Memoirs, to Serve for the History of Louis XIV & Louis XV, Composed from Original Documents Collected by Adrien-Maurice, Duke of Noailles, Marshal of France & Minister of State. By M. Abbé Millot, of the Academies of Lyon & Nancy. Paris, at the Publisher Moutard, Bookseller-Printer to the Queen, Quai des Augustins. 1777.
Armorial bookplate of Lord Sandys depicting a shield, griffin, and three crosses.
Size: 108 x 176 mm (approx., each)
[(2), t.p., i-xl, 411pp., (2)]; [(2), t.p., 429pp., (2)]; [(2), t.p., 462pp., (2)]; [(2), t.p., 407pp., (2)]; [(2), t.p., 451pp., 1pp., (2)]; [(2), t.p., 427pp., 3pp., (2)]
Half brown calf over marbled paper backed boards with red tooled label in compartments to the spines between gilt bands, other compartments with gilt volume numbers, date, or simple decorative gilt. Bindings lightly rubbed and scuffed. All boards attached with wear to joints and hinges, some starting or cracked. Shelf and edge wear. Red page edges dulled, top edges darkened as often. Bookplate attached to front pastedown in all volumes. Text blocks very clean with light edge toning and occasional foxing. Last two leaves of the text block in volume four attached at the top and side edge.